NOTE: The following list contains 84 scientific studies published between 2005 & 2020.
—Have we missed any recent research on the human-comparable intelligence of other species? Submit here.

  1. JUST LIKE HUMANS, Whales Grieve For Their Dead|Nature World '16
  2. Bees JUST LIKE HUMANS Form False Memories|Queen Mary, U of L '15
  3. Bird Song JUST LIKE HUMAN Syntax|Pacific Standard '16
  4. Canines Dream JUST LIKE HUMANSNew Research Finds|CitizenNews '16
  5. Pigeons Can Gamble JUST LIKE HUMANS|Proc. of Royal Society '10
  6. Horses Smile and Pout JUST LIKE HUMANS, Study Says|Time '16
  7. Horse Facial Expressions JUST LIKE HUMANS|Nat Geo '17
  8. Human, Seahorse Pregnancy INCREDIBLY ALIKE|Nat Geo '15
  9. Whales & Dolphins Have Rich HUMAN-LIKE Cultures|Sci Daily '17
  10. Scientists Claim Animals Have HUMAN-LIKE Consciousness|Artsmia '13
  11. Further Proof Dolphins Have HUMAN-LIKE Intelligence|Awaken '15
  12. Study Says Chimpanzees Use HUMAN-LIKE Gestures|BBC '12
  13. Test Shows Pigeons Learn LIKE HUMAN Children|Redorbit '15
  14. Ravens Can Possess HUMAN-LIKE features of intelligence|Sust Times '19
  15. Frogs Found SURPRISINGLY LIKE HUMANS, Genetically|Live Sci '10
  16. Ape Speech SURPRISINGLY LIKE OURS|Christ Sci Monitor '16
  17. Crows Have SURPRISING COGNITIVE ABILITIES|ScienceBlogs '10
  18. Rodents Have SURPRISING EMPATHETIC ABILITIES|Science Direct '11
  19. Honeybee shows SURPRISING NUMERIC SKILLS|ScienceAGo '09
  20. Sea Urchin DNA's SURPRISING RELATIONSHIP to Human's|Nat. Sci '06
  21. Whale Brains Are SURPRISINGLY SIMILAR to Human Brain|Softpedia '06
  22. Brain Scan Shows STRIKING SIMILARITIES B/t Dogs, Humans|WIRED '14
  23. Chimps Can Walk  SURPRISINGLY SIMILAR To Humans|Smithson '15
  25. Speech of Japanese Bird SURPRISINGLY LIKE HUMANS|Pulse '16
  26. Scientists Find Our Brain SURPRISINGLY SIMILAR to Ugly Fish|Inverse '16
  27. Research Says Prairie Dogs SURPRISINGLY APT At Chatting|Futurism '13
  28. Spider Gene Mapped, Reveals SURPRISING SIMILARITIES to Us|Sci Daily '14
  29. Shark & Human Proteins are SURPRISINGLY SIMILAR|Cornell Chron '13
  30. Human, Fly, & Worm Genome SURPRISINGLY SIMILAR|ANN News '14
  31. Dogs, Humans Process Speech in REMARKABLY SIMILAR Ways|Gizmo '14
  32. When Place Learning Mice Brains FUNCTION SIMILARLY To Ours|KU-L '19
  33. Why are Insect & Human Brains SO SIMILAR|Futurity '13
  34. Human and Ape Baby Gestures MORE SIMILAR Than Expected|Smithson '13
  35. Why Dogs & Human Brains MORE SIMILAR Than Thought|Giz Neuro '14
  36. Cats Possess Personalities SIMILAR TO HUMANS, Study Finds|Par Hrld '16
  37. Birds & Humans Have SIMILAR BRAIN WIRING|ScienceDaily '13
  38. Animal Talk Shows SIMILARITIES TO HUMAN LANGUAGE|Sci Mag '14
  39. Humans, Cats Have IDENTICAL BRAIN REGIONS for Emotion|Psych2go '1
  40. Pigs Actually Are ALMOST IDENTICAL to Us, Say Scientists|DailyMail '12
  41. Shark Simply Are MORE LIKE US Than You Think|Futurity '13 
  42. Gorillas Found MORE RELATED TO US Than Thought|Nat. Geo. '12
  43. Chimps Found ALMOST HUMAN, and Sometimes Smarter|NYT '07
  44. Common Fish SMARTER THAN YOU THINK|IFL Science '15
  45. Your Dog is SMARTER THAN WE THINK|Philly Inquirer '09
  46. Crows Are SMARTER THAN YOU THINK|Univ of Iowa '14
  47. Horses are SMARTER THAN WE REALIZE|Mother Nature Net '15 
  48. Ducklings: SMARTER THAN YOU THINK|Wash. Post '16
  49. Insects Are SMARTER THAN WE THOUGHT|Sydney Morn Hrld '16
  50. Goats: Way SMARTER THAN YOU THOUGHT|USA Today '14
  51. Chickens Are SMARTER THAN WE THINK|AAHA '17
  52. Sheep Are Far SMARTER THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT|Telegraph '11
  53. Bees Are Much SMARTER THAN WE THOUGHT|PanSwiss '12
  54. Study Shows Kea SMARTER THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT|News Hub '20
  55. Elephants Are Even SMARTER THAN WE IMAGINED|Sci Amer '14
  56. The Dodo Maybe SMARTER THAN WE THOUGHT| '16
  57. Chicken Have STARTLING INTELLIGENCE|Sci Amer '14
  58. Cows Are WAY MORE INTELLIGENT Than Likely Thought|Huff Post '15
  59. Pigs Are INTELLIGENT, EMOTIONAL, & Cognitively Complex|Psych Today '15
  60. Octopi SO SMART: DNA Sequencing Suggests Why|ExtremeTech '15
  61. Orca Are SO SMART They Can Learn to Speak "Dolphin"|ZME Science '14
  62. Crows Can Be SO CLEVER; Here's Why|Financial Times '16
  63. Animals Can Use ABSTRACT THOUGHT|Newser '14
  64. Tiny Insect Brains CAN SOLVE BIG PROBLEMS|NBCnews '09
  65. Human Intelligence ISN'T SUPERIOR To Other Animals|Huff Post '13
  66. Animals' Howls & Chirps JUST AS COMPLEX As Human Speech|DailyMail '14
  67. Chimp's Working Memory FAR SUPERIOR To Our Own|Med Daily '13
  68. New Study Confirms Horses CAN READ HUMAN EMOTIONS|Inverse '16
  69. Finding Suggests That Whales CAN LOVE|UPI '06
  70. Dolphins So Intelligent They've INDIVIDUAL NAMES|DailyMail '13
  71. Language, Birdsong May Use SAME BRAIN STRUCTURES|BBC '15
  72. Scientists Say Dolphins Do DESERVE SAME RIGHTS AS HUMANS|BBC News '12
  73. Wild Birds & Humans CONVERSE, Study Shows|The Guardian '16
  74. Nonhuman Animals ARE CONSCIOUS BEINGS, Say Scientists|Psyc Today '12
  75. Dolphins, Humans LEARNING COMMON LANGUAGE|CBS News '11
  76. Brain Cells that MAKE US HUMAN Found in Whales|New Scientist '06
  77. Humans, Birds SHARE THE SAME Singing Genes|New Scientist '14
  78. In animals 6 UNIQUELY HUMAN Traits Now Found|New Scientist '18
  79. Considered UNIQUELY HUMAN, Regret Observed in Rats|UMN Health '14
  80. Animals THINK & FEEL Here's How We Know|Nat Geo News '15
  81. Insects ARE CONSCIOUS|Science Alert '16
  82. Birds MORE NEURONS than Mammals|Sci-News '16
  83. Bee NEURONS MIMIC HUMAN'S Whilst Deciding|Science Daily '11
  84. INSTINCT is SCIENCE FICTION: Non-Humans Think Like Us|The MM '20

Postscript: The peculiar arrangement of source headlines above hearkens to a quote from Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan:

The counter is also true. if other species are actually just like us, their continued enslavement is both logically untenable & morally malfeasant.