8th August 2022 | Los Angeles Welcomes Its First Vegan Food Bank to Tackle Food Insecurity
6th August 2022 | Turkmen Dogcatchers Assigned To Kill 'Seven Stray Dogs A Day'

3rd June 2022 | "Fish feel pain, too": Animal Rights Group Decries Prosecution's Inaction On 2020 Fishers' Protest
28th April 2022 | How This Vegan Chicken Nuggets Startup Became the First to Outprice Meat
—Kudos, for the deck's stacked against plant-based proteins. The US gov't dishes $40 billion in direct payments, subsidies, and bailouts to the dairy & meat industry. Or is it closer to $414 billion?— as lawyer, David Simon, suggests here.
27th April 2022 | Joaquin Phoenix Acquires Film Rights to 'Free the Animals'
26th April 2022 | Vegan Activist Tries to Glue Herself to Floor During an NBA Basketball Game in Minneapolis
7th April 2022 | Poll tracks rising concern for animal welfare in Canada
26th March 2022 | Animal Welfare in Ukraine's War Zone

21st March 2022 | Top 5 Colleges To Study Animal Rights In The USA
22nd February 2022 | Yes, It's That Carl Icahn Who's Taking a Stand on Animal Welfare
11th February 2022 | The Best and Worst Countries for Animal Rights
9th February 2022 | In Serbia, A Toxic Mix Of Nationalism & Animal Rights
Classic ethical dilemma:
—Q: What do we say to a racist animal rights advocate?
—A: Fuck off.
1st January 2022 | Top 10 Animal Law Programs
16th April 2021 | U.S. Animal Agriculture Subsidies Soared In 2020 Despite Climate & Health Damage
12th August 2020 | Lawyer Explains How Meat And Dairy Industries Cost U.S Taxpayer $414 Billion A Year
1st August 2020 | National Fish Day: 'Bout It!
—Wanna teach your fish tricks? Sure, they're intelligent. Wanna pet your fish? Do that, too. Thought humans had the highest brain-to-body ratio? Nope. [Just sayin']

19th July 2020 | Big Farma Bad Medicine for Pandemics
14th July 2020 | Karate Kid Chops Leather From New Shoe
11th July 2020 | Trafalgar² Now Murder Red

7th July 2020 | KFC to 3D-Print Chicken: Next, Alexa Lays Egg
24th June 2020 | Another Brainy Beauty Goes W/o Clothes for the Cause
—Why have some pretty women taken career risks for animal suffering; and others, not? Because the former have strength of mind & high character; the others, not.
15th April 2020 | FDA Passes Yeast-Pooped Whey Protein
—Technically, "excreted," but we take our news in the loo, too.

20th March 2020 | Covid Consequence: Vegan Meat Sales Almost Triple
18th March 2020 | 21 Hunting Stands Demolished in Belgium
11th March 2020 | Monkey-Wrenching Animal Lib Activists Take On Swedish Hunters, 'Fuck Shit Up' Along the Way

9th March 2020 | WAP Smacks US for Failure to Protect Nonhumans
—The US gets a "D" overall on Animal Protection Index, with an "F" for legal protection of companion animals.
26th February 2020 | Lamar Would Rather Wear Nothing Than a PETA Ad
—30 cows were killed after a transport truck overturned; PETA wanted to memorialize the departed via highway-side billboard; Lamar said, No.

20th February 2020 | Brits Score Eco-Vegan Milk Delivery
20th February 2020| USDA About Face on Animal Welfare Records
8th February 2020 | Animal Abuse A-Plenty at US Gov Research Facilities
—"Shocking" treatment of nonhumans found throughout NIH labs, thanks to PETA's Freedom of Information requests. Well, hardly shocking: federal animal research is short on oversight, enforcement's lax, & scientists evaluate themselves. Expect accountability?
17th January 2020 | Pigs Cannibalizing @ Farm Bragging Food "Farmed With Care"

17th January 2020 | CFI Exposes Notorious Monkey Lab: Shuts. It. Down.
8th January 2020 | Vegan "Backlash" a Media Fantasy?
—Latest poll says 70% of meat-eaters believe vegans are ethical, 73% say their diet is good for the planet, and neither number bespeaks a mass backlash. Now looking like fake news from those who doth protest too much, the following:
- The Guardian, 2019: "Why Do People Hate Vegans?"
- CNN, 2019: "Why Do Vegans Attract Such Hatred?"
- The Express, 2020: "Vegans Cause Outrage . . ."
- The National Post, 2020: "Why We Feast On Meat And Hate On Vegans"
1st January 2020 | 700% Leap in Vegan Googles since 2004
10th December 2019 | Behind the Curve, Golden Arches Chasing Rivals w/Vegan Meals

3rd December 2019 | Hilton's Happy Workers Now Stocking Fully Vegan Suite
3rd December 2019 | London Tops Vegan-Eaterie Explosion
—HappyCow's surveys show vegan restaurants skyrocket from 625 in 2009 to 8,100 in 2019. London, Berlin, and New York lead the wave.
13th November 2019 | UK Labour Plots 50-Point Animal Welfare Manifesto
—Highlights include long-term objective to erase animal testing, bar snares & glue traps, and ban fur imports. Also on their agenda: eliminate cages on British farms and write animal sentience into law.
1st November 2019 | Scientists Devise Crash-Test for Human Morality; Find None

2nd October 2019 | TripAdvisor Nixes Tickets for Captive Cetaceans
29th September 2019 | Crazy Queues for Meatless Chicken @ KFC
4th September 2019 | Poll Says 6 of 10 Carnivorous Argentines Ready to Go Rogue.

31st July 2019 | PETA Billboard in Picture-Perfect Position
19th July 2019| Canadian Teen Publicly Disowns Father for Killing Lion
13th June 2019 | Tyson & Perdue Stare Into Abyss: Plant-Based Products Coming Soon
23rd May 2019 | Beef Behemoth Takes a Knee
6th May 2019 | Beyond Meat IPO Goes Berserk

3rd April 2019 | Amy's Opening Vegan Drive-Thru on Denny's Remains
15th March 2019 | Lone Star MD Free From Lupus, Credits Veggies
5th December 2018 | "Anti-Animal" Aphorisms Are Hate Speech, Says PETA
—Spot on, PETA . . . but can you I.D. the anti-animal slur in your own headline? That's right: the word "animal" is itself the slur-of-all-slurs. AR News recommends, "Änima" as a replacement. Check out this graphic, courtesy Dr. d'Mäkéna and The Mismeasure™ of Animals:
12th September 2018 | IWC & UN Finally Target Ghost-Gear
—Each year, a billion pounds of fishing gear is dumped into oceans, with results like this and this.
11th July 2018 | Surveys Say 84% to 95% of Pet Owners Consider Them Family
—But legally speaking, pets are merely property. Translation: big gov yet again outta touch w/constituents.
31st May 2018 | Massive Study of 40,000 Farms Reveals Simple Truth: Vegan Diet Likely "Single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet earth."
4th April 2018 | Restaurants Boost Sales & So-Me Exposure By This Simple Trick
—The answer's not by floating clickbait; rather as Forbes reports, removing dead animal from the menu. That act boosted sales 10%-1,000% and social media status 100%-15,000%.
26th September 2017| Goodall Drops Hammer on FDA: Study to Nicotine-Addict Chimps Quashed
—On the 7th of September, 2017, Saint Jane undressed FDA director, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, in an open letter criticizing a planned study to nicotine-addict young troglodytes. Two weeks later, Gottlieb postponed the study—but denied Goodall had a hand in the FDA's change of heart. Uh-huh.

10th June 2017 | UK's ReportBuyer Finds Vegan Numbers Up 600% in 3 Years
19th January 2017 | Apologies to Humane Society: Cat Villages Better Than Body Bags
—In Turkey, the "massive" population of stray cats & dogs has been solved without ritual murder. Locals build cat- and dog-friendly mini-towns, which are surprisingly popular (see pics) and infinitely more moral than euthanization.

19th July 2016 | Kudos to PETA & AnimaNaturalis For a Breathtaking Protest of Bullfighting in Pamplona
18th May 2015 | Gallup Polls Indicates AR Revolution Will Happen Circa 2033
—Extrapolating from the latest big-poll data, by the early 30's half of America will feel animals deserve the "exact same rights as people."

9th January 2014 | Frustrated ÄRiA's Get Fiesty, Out Vivisectors
—Posters of notorious scientists with apparently awful AR records were on display in Milan, including names, home addresses, & phone numbers.
Copyright: Animal Rights News 2022